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搬运丨漫画 Delilah Dirk and the Easy Mark Tony Cliff

2019-01-30 20:20:14



Delilah Dirk和土耳其中尉是19世纪早期通过土耳其的轻松冒险,并于8月底开始印刷。然而,与以下短篇小说不同,它并没有强调对的强烈关注欢迎您亲眼看看,并 www.delilahdirk.com预览土耳其中尉你会注意到我犯了一个愚蠢的错误,就是扮演主角的女人

  在Jerzy Drozd的Comics Are Great播客的一集中,这个错误引起了我的注意。他正在采访Calista Brill,他是First Second的合理且富有洞察力的编辑,我和Delilah Dirk一起工作。她正在解释一位编辑可能会与作者进行交换的类型,并说,“例如,我不会要求Tony Cliff用取代Delilah Dirk的角色。”

  听到这一点并且知道这可能只是一种被动的侵略性的不满,我试图通过这个简短的漫画“Delilah Dirk和Easy Mark”纠正错误。

  请享用!Delilah Dirk和土耳其中尉于8月27日从First Second Books到达。(什么沙雕机翻???)

  Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant is a light-hearted adventure through the Turkey of the early 1800s and is available in print at the end of August. Unlike the following short story, however, it does not feature such a strong emphasis on cats. You’re welcome to see for yourself and preview The Turkish Lieutenant at www.delilahdirk.com. You’ll notice I made the foolish mistake of featuring a human womanin the starring role.

  This error was brought to my attention during an episode of Jerzy Drozd’s Comics Are Great podcast. He was interviewing Calista Brill, the sensible and insightful editor at First Second with whom I worked on Delilah Dirk. She was explaining the type of give-and-take an editor may have with an author, and said, “for example, I would not ask Tony Cliff to replace the character of Delilah Dirk with a cat.”

  Hearing this and knowing it could only possibly be a passive-aggressive airing of grievances, I have tried to correct the error with this short comic, “Delilah Dirk and the Easy Mark.”

  Enjoy! Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant arrives on August 27th from First Second Books.

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